Work Share Info


Volunteer Share info for Big Train Farm

…So you’re interested in doing a work-share this year at the farm. Work-shares are essential in getting the work done every week, from the beginning of the season until we wrap up in the late-fall. We are looking for people who can commit themselves to the 2022 growing season and make it out on a weekly basis.  Every week you will come out to the farm for a 4-hour shift and in return you receive a 3/4 share worth of vegetables. If you are interested it is very important to consider the following list of information and see if it will work for you. Work-shares are awesome, and we have a ton of fun and laughs. Hope you will join us.

Work-share members…

1.  Shifts times available are Sundays 2-6pm, and Tuesdays 8-noon or 2-6pm.  The Tuesday morning shifts are limited.  Shifts begin the first week of the Summer/Fall CSA (first week of June or last week of May depending).

2. Should be able to make your shifts on a weekly basis.  We are looking for people who are dependable on a weekly basis and a seasonal basis.  Look at your summer/fall plans.  If you see yourself being unavailable 3-4 weeks out of the season then the work-share is not a good option for you.  Students can set up a seasonal schedule, we can work with you.

End of Year Party 2012


3. Must have reliable transportation back and forth from the farm.  Car pooling is often an option.

4. Must be able to make it to the Wednesday or Thursday pickup. Shares will not be available during your shift!

End of Year Party 2016

5. Must be willing to work in lousy weather. Rain or shine the show goes on. Bring rain jacket and pants (should probably always have them in your bag or car when you come). Often there is indoor work that can be done during the rain but always be prepared.

6.  We will have to get work done quickly and efficiently. You must come willing to work and be able to take instruction.

7. MOST IMPORTANT! You must have a good sense of humor! We kick around a lot of jokes and have a lot of fun.


If this all sounds good then sign up today!

One thought on “Work Share Info

  • March 28, 2014 at 11:13 am

    Hello John! My name is Cassandra and I am a local mom from Woonsocket! I am very interested in coming to work on your farm! All the days would be fine as long as I know my schedule in advance so I can plan for help with the kids at home while I am working. I feel this is a great opportunity and I would love to come do a trial day!! I look forward to speaking with you!


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